Read the testimonial from Laure Wagner, CEO and co-founder of 1Km à Pied

Laure's interview

Introduce yourself and your company.

Hello, my name is Laure Wagner and I'm CEO of 1Km À Pied. We're a start-up and we've created an HR software that analyzes employees' commutes to optimize their assignments at different sites.
How did you discover Fygr?

I discovered Fygr because I was at Station F and Fygr was there too. So, in the list of solutions offered to residents, I came across Fygr when I was looking for a tool to help me with my treasury.
Did you have any knowledge of finance before using Fygr?

My background is in communications and marketing. I did a bit of finance during my studies, but it wasn't really my priority. As a result, when I launched my startup, I quickly got fed up with Excel and thought that there had to be a SaaS solution that would save me all those cash flow problems and long Excel formulas.
How did you manage your cash flow before using Fygr?

Before using Fygr, I used Excel, I think a bit like everyone else. But not being a big fan of Excel and wanting to test all kinds of scenarios, growth, less growth, fund-raising or not, it had its limits, because you started to have lots of versions, and when you made a change in one version and didn't carry it over to another... well, it was hellish. So I really wanted to find a simpler solution.
Why did you decide to subscribe to Fygr?

When I needed a tool, I asked for different demos. I found that Fygr was super simple and exactly what I was looking for. I said to myself that there had to be something where you could see curves and numbers, and at the same time be able to tell when the treasury was plunging, so I needed something visual. So when I got the Fygr demo, I signed up.
How has Fygr changed your daily life?

Fygr has changed the way I manage my treasury, because I used to take my month-end balancing seriously, but Excel had its limits. I wanted to set up recurrences and stretch amounts to infinity, but Excel was complicated. I could have, but it's not my cup of tea, and so I find it much simpler for me, who doesn't come from a finance background and hasn't spent years auditing on Excel, to use a SaaS that's made for it.
What are your favorite features?

The way I use Fygr is in two stages. At the beginning of the year, I do my BP, and then the annual budget where we forecast hiring, growth, scenarios, etc. So at that point, what I like best is the scenarios. So at this point, what I really like are the scenarios. You can have a high-growth scenario with sales going through the roof, a medium scenario, a low scenario, a scenario with or without fund-raising, I'll be able to put in different scenarios whether I'm recruiting a lot or not, and so on. So it really allows me to have different configurations. And so that's more at the beginning of the year, or at the start of a start-up we'll say.‍
And then, month by month, I'll come and look at all the bank transactions, categorize them. For this stage, there are automated rules so the scoring is done faster and faster, there are only the new ones that need to be categorized.‍
And above all, being a startup, we've raised funds, I have to report on KPIs and it's really handy to have these categories organized so that my KPIs stand out very easily on marketing expenses, the Sales team, etc., so I can get this information up faster.‍
Fygr in 3 words?

Predictive, simple and flexible.
Why would you recommend Fygr?

I'd recommend Fygr to all start-ups, especially if you're in the process of raising funds. It'll give you something super-clean, different scenarios, the impeccable forecast, a great visual, it'll help you feel confident.

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