Terms and conditions of use


Last updated: 16/08/2022
Please read the following terms and conditions of use carefully. By subscribing to the services, you agree that you are making a legally binding offer to enter into a contract with FYGR, a simplified joint-stock company with a capital of €15,989.85, registered with the Evreux Trade and Companies Register under number 879 238 061, whose registered office is located at 26 avenue Winston Churchill (La Filature) 27400 LOUVIERS (hereinafter "FYGR").
Fygr is also registered with ORIAS as a Broker in Banking Operations and Payment Services (COBSP) under the number 21007924 (you can check this registration on the website: http://www.orias.fr/welcome).
COBSP's activities are auditable by the French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (ACPR):
Fygr does not have any significant capital or commercial relationships with institutions that promote financial products and services (credit institutions, payment institutions, investment services providers).

1. Definitions

Terms beginning with a capital letter shall have the meanings given to them in this Agreement:
Client: refers to the client who necessarily has the status of a professional, who has subscribed to this Agreement.
Contract: refers to this subscription agreement for the Services, including in particular the specific terms and conditions, the general terms and conditions of use and their appendices.
Account: refers to the Client's account allowing him to access the Services offered by the Tool from his login credentials.
Tool: refers to the solution developed by FYGR and accessible in SaaS mode from the https://www.fygr.io website as well as from the https://app.fygr.io application.
User(s): refers to any person authorized by the Client to connect to the Tool using login credentials, within the framework of this subscription agreement for the Services.
Services: refers to all the services offered by the Tool as part of the subscription subscribed by the Client.

2. Object

2.1 The purpose of this FYGR Subscription Agreement is to define the conditions under which the Customer subscribes to the Services on behalf of itself and its Users, for the duration of the Agreement and for the needs of its professional activities.
2.2 The Customer acknowledges that access to certain features of the Tool may vary depending on the scope of the Services subscribed to via the subscription.
2.3 Registration with FYGR implies the Customer's full and unreserved acceptance of the Agreement, to the exclusion of any other documents in the Customer's possession.
2.4 In the event of any contradiction between the provisions of the special terms and conditions of the Contract and these general terms and conditions of use, the relevant provisions of the special terms and conditions shall prevail over the general terms and conditions of use.
2.5 The Agreement governs the entire relationship between FYGR and Customer. No general terms and conditions of purchase shall prevail or be enforced by Customer against FYGR and no special terms and conditions communicated by Customer to FYGR shall prevail over the Agreement.
2.6 Any reservation concerning the Contract made by the Customer will, therefore, in the absence of express acceptance by FYGR, be unenforceable against the latter, regardless of when it may have been brought to its attention.
2..7 FYGR's failure to enforce any term of the Agreement at any time shall not be construed as a waiver of any such term at a later time.

3. Terms and conditions

3.1 The Customer acknowledges that he/she is a duly registered professional. In this respect, the Customer acknowledges that it does not have the status of a non-professional or consumer within the meaning of the provisions in force.
3.2 The Customer who wishes to subscribe to the Services is required to:fill in the following identification information: company name, registration number, corporate form, registered capital, registered office address, identity of the legal representative, email address, telephone number and any other information requested by FYGR. The Customer acknowledges and accepts that the email address provided constitutes his/her login.choose a password. The Customer may change his/her password at any time. It is recommended to change the password regularly.follow the procedure that will be indicated to validate the email.follow the procedure that will be indicated to proceed to the payment of the Services through the payment provider chosen by FYGR.
3.3 The Customer declares that the information provided is true and accurate and undertakes to update this information without delay in the event of any changes. FYGR cannot be held responsible for the non-veracity of the information transmitted and/or communicated by the Customer.
3.4 The Customer undertakes to use the Services personally, and not to allow any third party to use them in his place or for his own account, with the exception of Authorized Users and subject to bearing full responsibility.
3.5 The Customer is solely responsible for the proper use of the Services and the Account by the Users of its personnel in compliance with the present terms and conditions.
3.6 The Customer is also responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of its login and password and expressly acknowledges that any use of the Services from its Account will be deemed to have been made by itself. In the event that the Customer becomes aware that his account is being or has been used without his knowledge, he undertakes to notify FYGR as soon as possible.

4. Duration and termination

4.1 For each registration, FYGR offers the right to use the Tool free of charge for a period of seven (7) days. After this period, the Customer is obliged to take out a paid subscription with FYGR.
4.2 The duration of a subscription to the Services will thus depend on the subscription period to which the Customer has subscribed. To avoid any interruption in the use of the Services, the Subscription will be automatically renewed for a further period of the same duration, or in the event of agreement to the contrary, for periods of 30 days.
4.3 The Customer may cancel his subscription at any time by sending an e-mail to support@fygr.io before the subscription period expires. In this case, the Customer will still be able to use the Services until their subscription expires. No refund will be made if the Customer decides to cancel his subscription, as the Services will remain available until the end of the subscription period.
4.4 FYGR reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify the subscription price. In this case FYGR will send the Customer an email notification at least thirty (30) days prior to the price change. The notification will remind the Customer that if he continues to use the Services after the end of the subscription period, this will mean that he accepts the new subscription price. However, this new price will only come into effect on the automatic renewal date of the subscription. If the customer does not accept the new price, they may cancel their subscription by sending an e-mail to support@fygr.io. This cancellation must be made before the price change takes effect, otherwise the customer will be deemed to have accepted the price change.
4.5 This Agreement may also be terminated if the Customer fails to comply with any of its essential obligations under this Agreement. In this case, FYGR may, after sending a formal notice by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt reminding the Customer of the present clause and the obligation not fulfilled, not followed up within a period of fifteen days from the presentation of the letter, terminate the Contract without completing any legal formalities. In the event of termination, FYGR may temporarily or permanently interrupt all or part of the Services and consequently access to the user account.
4.6 Termination of the Contract does not imply waiver by the Parties of any other rights or actions they may have.

5. Prices, payment terms and interest on arrears

5.1 Access to the Services requires payment by the Customer of the subscription price in accordance with the terms agreed between the Parties.
5.2 Services are sold on a prepaid basis. Payment is due at the time of order and, in the case of automatic renewal of a subscription, at the beginning of the new subscription period.
5.3 Payment of the price of the Services will be made by direct debit through the payment provider chosen by FYGR. In this respect, the Customer undertakes to provide accurate and valid bank details as part of the payment procedure.
5.4 Prices are payable in euros.
5.5 The subscription price does not include any travel or specific development costs that may be invoiced in addition by FYGR to the customer according to the terms indicated in the special conditions.
5.6 If payment for the Services is not received in full, FYGR may: delete or block the account and consequently access to the Services; automatically apply late payment interest at the rate of the interest applied by the European Central Bank to its most recent refinancing operation plus ten points. Any delay in payment will also result in the payment of a fixed indemnity for collection costs of 40 Euros. (Ccom, art. L.441-9 and L.441-10). FYGR may also claim a higher indemnity from the Customer, on justification, if the costs it has incurred for collection exceed the amount of 40 Euros.
5.7 In the event of termination, any sums already paid will be retained by FYGR, without prejudice to any action for compensation for damages.

6. Scope of license

6.1 By subscribing to this Agreement, FYGR grants to the Customer and its Users for the duration of the Agreement, a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive license to access and use the Tool in its version existing at the date of subscription, and solely for their professional use in connection with the Services provided under this Agreement.
6.2 This License covers only the subscription taken out by the Customer, as well as any modifications relating to corrections, adaptations or updates to the Tool during the term of the Contract. Consequently, the addition of new functionality or new versions of the Tool are not included in the subscription and will be the subject, where applicable, of a new quotation which the Customer will be free to accept or refuse.
6.3 In order to use the Tool, the Customer must have, at his/her own expense, an Internet access subscription and ensure that the configuration of his/her computer equipment is suitable and compatible. All costs relating to equipment and Internet connection are therefore the sole responsibility of the Customer.
6.4 The Customer is also aware of the limitations of the Internet and that data transmissions over the Internet are relatively unreliable and that no one can guarantee the proper functioning of the Internet. Consequently, and with full knowledge of the characteristics of the Internet, the Customer acknowledges that he/she has been sufficiently informed of the computer conditions required to access the Services and waives FYGR's liability for the aforementioned facts.
6.5 The Customer may not decompile, disassemble, modify, use, reverse engineer, in any way whatsoever, the source code of the Tool or modify, translate, localize, adapt, rent, lease, assign, loan, create or produce derivative works, or register patents based on all or part of the Tool.
6.6 As this License to use the Tool is neither assignable nor transferable, the Customer agrees not to make it available to any third party, with the exception of Users authorized under the terms of the Contract.
6.7 This license does not grant the Customer any ownership rights to the Tool. The Customer hereby refrains from doing anything that may directly or indirectly infringe FYGR's intellectual property rights in the Tool.

7. Intellectual property

7.1 FYGR is the exclusive owner of the intellectual property rights to the Tool, but this does not apply to any third party software that may be included in the Tool, for which FYGR declares that it has sufficient rights.
7.2 The present contract does not confer upon the Customer and Users any intellectual property rights whatsoever on the Tool and the software composing it and any content of any kind exploited on the Tool. All elements making up the Tool thus remain the exclusive property of FYGR, as do all corrections, updates and new versions made.
7.3 The Customer and Users undertake not to commit any act that could affect FYGR's intellectual property rights on the Tool and its component parts, whether by reproduction, representation or by adaptation, modification or transformation. Any use and/or access not authorized by FYGR under the present terms and/or not conforming to the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code is illicit and would constitute the offence of counterfeiting in accordance with the provisions of article L.335-3 of the Intellectual Property Code.
7.4 FYGR also remains the sole owner of the rights to its names, trademarks, logos, signs and designs and none of the stipulations in the Contract will be interpreted as characterizing a transfer or assignment of rights to the latter to the benefit of the other Party. The Customer and the Users undertake to respect FYGR's property rights on its distinctive signs, and in particular, to refrain from creating any analogy and/or confusion in the public mind for any purpose whatsoever and by any means whatsoever.

8. Advertising

8.1 The Customer authorizes FYGR to use, in particular by quotation and/or reproduction, its distinctive signs, as a commercial reference and/or for the proper execution of the present contract, in particular in its commercial or advertising documents and on its website, in any form whatsoever, for the duration of the present contract and three (3) years following the expiry of the contract.
8.2 Any use by the Customer of FYGR's distinctive signs must be previously authorized by FYGR.

9. Obligations and responsibilities of the subscriber

9.1 The Customer shall use the Services under its sole direction, control and responsibility.
9.2 Without prejudice to the other obligations set forth herein, the Customer agrees to comply with the following obligations:

- the Customer agrees, in its use of the Services, to comply with the laws and regulations in force and not to infringe the rights of third parties or public order;

- the Customer acknowledges having taken cognizance of the characteristics and constraints, in particular technical, of the tool and the Services;

- the Customer agrees to provide FYGR with all elements, data and information necessary for the proper performance of the Services. More generally, the Customer agrees to cooperate actively with FYGR for the proper execution of the present contract and to inform FYGR of any difficulties related to this execution.
9.3 Il est strictement interdit au Client d’utiliser les Services aux fins suivantes, sans que cette liste soit exhaustive :

- l’exercice d’activités illégales, frauduleuses ou portant atteinte aux droits ou à la sécurité des tiers ;

- l’atteinte à l’ordre public ou la violation des lois et règlements en vigueur ;

- l’intrusion dans le système informatique d’un tiers ou toute activité de nature à nuire, contrôler, interférer, ou intercepter tout ou partie du système informatique d’un tiers, en violer l’intégrité ou la sécurité ; l’aide ou l’incitation, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, à un ou plusieurs des actes et activités décrits ci-dessus;<:li>

- et plus généralement toute pratique détournant les Services à des fins autres que celles pour lesquelles ils ont été conçus.
9.4 If it appears that the Customer has breached or is likely to breach the provisions of the Agreement, FYGR may, at any time and without limitation of any other action, suspend or terminate the defaulting account and/or use any means in order to obtain compulsory execution of the provisions of the Agreement.

10. Obligations and responsibilities of FYGR

10.1 FYGR undertakes to perform its obligations with all the care customary in its profession and to comply with the rules of the art in force. FYGR's responsibility is exclusively limited to the provision of the Services as described herein, to the exclusion of any other services.
10.2 The Customer is solely responsible for its use of the Services. In this respect, it is understood between the Parties that the cash flow forecasts provided in connection with the use of the Services are given for information purposes only, on the basis of the information provided by the Customer. It is the Customer's responsibility to adjust these cash flow forecasts according to his own activity and knowledge.
10.3 FYGR will be liable according to the rules of common law, for all direct damages caused to the Customer under the Contract and duly proven, to the exclusion of indirect damages. Accordingly, FYGR shall not be liable for any damages resulting from :

- non-performance or improper performance by the Customer of its obligations under this Subscription Agreement; improper use of the Services by the Customer;

- a malfunction of the Service which (i) is caused by modifications made to the Service and/or the equipment running with it, by the Customer or any unauthorized third party; or (ii) follows a refusal by the Customer to implement corrections, revisions and/or updates and/or workarounds to the Services in order to stop the malfunction or avoid its generation. In such cases, FYGR shall in no event be liable for:

- the results of its use;

- damage caused to goods distinct from the Service;

- the suitability of the Service for the Customer's needs (which is indeed the Customer's responsibility);

- loss or damage to information, files or databases or to any other item for which the Customer hereby undertakes to ensure backup; any contamination of the Customer's files by a virus and any damaging consequences of such contamination.
10.4 FYGR shall not be liable for unforeseeable damages, nor for indirect and/or consequential damages such as, but not limited to, loss of profits, financial loss, commercial loss, loss of goodwill, loss of orders, resulting from the use of the Service.
10.5 In any case, FYGR and the Customer agree that the compensation of the prejudice which would have been undergone by the Customer and its Users because of a fault imputable to FYGR and duly proven, will be limited to the amount of the current subscription subscribed by the Customer.

Unforeseen circumstances

The Parties shall not be held liable or in breach of their contractual obligations where failure to perform their respective obligations is due to force majeure as defined by the case law of the French courts.
The contract between the parties is suspended until the causes of force majeure have ceased to exist. Force majeure takes into account irresistible facts or circumstances, external to the parties, unforeseeable and independent of the parties' will, despite all reasonably possible efforts to prevent them.
The Party affected by an event of force majeure shall notify the other Party within five (5) working days of becoming aware of the event. The two Parties will then agree on the conditions under which performance of the Contract will continue.

12. Customer service

FYGR provides remote assistance by telephone to assist Users in using the Tool between 9am and 6pm Monday to Friday on the following number: +33 (0)1 76 50 33 88

13. Insurance

Each of the Parties undertakes to maintain, for the entire duration of the Contract, a professional liability insurance policy with a reputable and solvent insurance company, to cover the financial consequences of any bodily injury, property damage or consequential loss for which they may be held liable, caused by any event and which may be the fault of any of their employees and/or partner companies during the performance of the Contract.

14. Privacy

Each Party undertakes, both on its own behalf and on behalf of its employees and partner companies, to preserve the confidentiality of the confidential information exchanged (the "Confidential Information"). Confidential Information shall mean all information, regardless of its nature, form or medium, to which each Party has access in the performance of the Agreement, including but not limited to, all resources made available from FYGR to Customer and from Customer to FYGR, all technical, industrial, financial or commercial data, or any other information and documents relating to the activities of each Party.
Confidential Information does not cover documents, data or other information that are :
- known by one of the Parties on a non-confidential basis prior to their disclosure by the other Party;
- which have fallen or will fall into the public domain on the day of their disclosure;
- legitimately obtained from a third party not bound by an obligation of confidentiality ;
- independently developed by the receiving Party, which has no access to any information from the disclosing Party;
- disclosed by virtue of a legislative or regulatory provision.
Each Party undertakes :
- to apply the same protection measures to Confidential Information as it applies to its own confidential information;
- to communicate Confidential Information only to its employees and collaborators who need to know it in order to provide the Services;
- not to disclose, publish or transmit to third parties the Confidential Information, in any form whatsoever, without the prior written consent of the other Party;
- to use the Confidential Information solely for the purposes of providing the Services.

15. Personal data

When using the Tool, FYGR, as the data controller, collects personal data concerning the Customer. FYGR complies, in the collection and management of this data, with the French law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedoms, in its current version, as well as with the General Data Protection Regulation ("RGPD"). In this respect, the Customer is invited to read the Privacy Policy.
FYGR is also qualified as a "joint controller", within the meaning of Article 26 of the RGPD with:

- Budget Insight, regarding the data processing carried out as part of the bank account aggregation, invoicing and payment initiation service. Use of the Budgea API service is thus only possible once the Customer has consented to the privacy policy accessible at: https://www.powens.com/security-compliance/
Fintecture, concerning data processing carried out as part of the bank account aggregation, invoicing and payment initiation service. Use of the Fintecture service is thus only possible once the Customer has consented to the privacy policy accessible at. https://www.fintecture.com/privacy/.
- Bridge, concerning data processing carried out within the framework of the bank account aggregation, invoicing and payment initiation service. Use of the Bridge service is therefore only possible once the Customer has consented to the privacy policy, which is available at the following address https://bankin.com/fr/politiqueconfidentialite.html.

16. Independence of the parties

16.1 Each of the Parties is legally and financially independent, acting in its own name, for its own account and under its own responsibility. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as creating between the Parties any partnership, joint venture, agency, subsidiary, employee-employer relationship or association.
16.2 Each Party remains responsible for its acts, allegations, commitments, services, personnel and data. Neither Party may hold the other Party liable in any way whatsoever for its acts, allegations, commitments, services, personnel or data.

17. Modification of the TOU

17.1 FYGR may have to modify the Agreement in order to adapt them to its technical and commercial environment or to comply with current legislation.
17.2 In this case FYGR will send the Customer an email notification at least thirty (30) days prior to the modification of the Agreement. The notification will remind the Customer that if he continues to use the Services after the end of the subscription period, this will mean that he accepts the new terms of the Contract. The new provisions will come into force on the automatic renewal date of the subscription. If the Customer does not accept this modification, he may cancel his subscription by sending an e-mail to support@fygr.io. This cancellation must be made before the new provisions of the Contract come into force, otherwise the Customer will be deemed to have accepted the new provisions of the Contract in force.

18. Applicable law and jurisdiction

18.1 The law governing the Contract is French law.
18.2 In the absence of an amicable solution between the Parties, the courts within the jurisdiction of the Paris Court of Appeal shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear any disputes of any nature or relating to the interpretation or performance of this Contract, notwithstanding plurality of defendants, incidental or summary proceedings or third-party claims, unless otherwise provided by mandatory procedural rules.

19. General provisions

19.1 Previous documents or other agreements The Contract supersedes any previous document or any other written or verbal agreement relating to the same subject matter, with the exception of quotations and special conditions, and takes precedence over any contrary provision that may be contained in documents issued by the Customer.
19.2 Autonomy of clauses If any provision of the Contract or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions or applications of the Contract, which shall remain in force, separately from the provision held invalid.
19.3 Contract language The Contract is written in French. A foreign language translation may be provided for information purposes. In the event of contradiction, only the French version shall prevail between the Parties.