Read the testimonial from Richard Kponoume, co-founder of the Ways accounting firm.

Richard's interview

Introduce yourself and your firm

My name is Richard Kponoumé, and I'm co-founder of the Ways accounting firm. In terms of our mission, it's the three letters "R.C.A.". We do financial reporting, which brings together everything we do in terms of assignments, consulting and then auditing.

What tools do you use within the firm?

The tools we use within the firm are, first of all, for accounting production, we use ACD On Demand, the software commonly known as Cador. For forecasting, we use the RCA solution. And for all customer-oriented solutions, we use Fygr.

What was the trigger for implementing Fygr within the firm?

First and foremost, it was customer demand: today' s customers have their noses to the grindstone. So the idea was to have a complement that would provide an overview of their cash flow. It's also a way of anticipating all their payments, all their commitments in terms of invoice payment.

So it helps prevent cash flow problems.

Was there a before and after to Fygr?

Yes, of course! Fygr is a very good tool, because it allows us to interact with the customer, and it helps us in our day-to-day input of invoice processing flows, other than cash flows. It also helps us to identify certain flows, in particular I'm thinking of cheques that have been issued, to have the exact nature of the expense, and so it also helps us to make progress in terms of accounting production.

What is your favorite feature of Fygr?

You have a line on an amount, for example, and when you move onto the line, on the left-hand pane you have the details - it's great!

Today, we're obliged to declare within 45 days of the statement of cessation. With Fygr, we can prevent, anticipate and, above all, inform the customer. I really think it's a huge time-saving asset .

Fygrin 3 words?

ygr in three words? I'd say:
- interoperability, because we can requalify flows at any time;
- responsiveness ;
- it also enables us tobe closer to our customers, to really have a more regular exchange than usual.‍

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