Read the testimonial from Jean Eudes Yahouedeou, CEO of Seeqle

Interview with Jean Eudes

Can you tell us about Seeqle?

Seeqle is a solution for acquiring technological talent via programmatic advertising (online advertising). In concrete terms, we help companies, agencies and training organizations to carry out targeted acquisition of candidates, and to optimize their recruitment by increasing the rate of qualified applications.
How did you manage your cash flow before Fygr?

Before Fygr, I managed my cash flow mainly with spreadsheets, so it was fairly manual.
Why did you decide to subscribe to Fygr?

I chose Fygr because I felt it was the solution that most simply met the need we felt at the time, i.e. easy cash management and automated projection. It was also the most affordable solution in terms of value for money.
How has Fygr changed your daily life?

On a day-to-day basis, Fygr enables me to manage cash flow much more easily, to anticipate short- and medium-term cash flows and therefore to obtain financing or agreements from financial partners or investors much more easily.
What are your favorite features?

I mainly use the monthly cash management view and the forecasting functionality for future years. The other feature I particularly appreciate is the reconciliation with bank data. The fact that all transactions are automatically listed and pre-categorized, based on character recognition and modeling, is very practical. So you don't have to do it every time!
What is your relationship with Fygr support?

Fygr support is very responsive. When we have questions and queries, they respond very quickly and clearly. And they're also very attentive to users' needs. In any case, when I ask them for optimizations, suggestions or improvements, you get the feeling that they've taken it on board and that they want to build a product that really meets users' needs.
What is your relationship with Fygr support?

Fygr support is very responsive. When we have questions and queries, they respond very quickly and clearly. And they're also very attentive to users' needs. In any case, when I ask them for optimizations, suggestions or improvements, you get the feeling that they've taken it on board and that they want to build a product that really meets users' needs.
Fygr in a nutshell?

For me, Fygr is a solution for simplified cash management and automated financial projections.
Why would you recommend Fygr?

When I recommend Fygr, it's mainly because it's easy to use and intuitive to understand, so it's quick to set up.

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